Office Spaces

Golden years of operation

Welcome to the

Green House Mall

Located on Ngong Road in the beautiful green suburb of Nairobi, Green House Mall is a premier luxury mall offering unique experiences aimed at engaging three of the five senses: taste, color and sound. It is a shopping mall and also focuses on real estate as a service to the community. .

The Green House Mall is all about the experience the mall is an environment where you can spend the day for all your needs under one roof. From fashion to entertainment to fine dining. Green house hosts both local and international retailers while supporting small businesses.

Service Experience

Our Stores

Services Offered at the Mall





Great Offer. Happy Black Man Shopping In Mall With Excited Girlfriend, Pointing At New Clothing In Showcase, Showing Good Price Discount, Cheerful Young African American Couple Enjoying Seasonal Sales


Hands holding a dollar bills

***These graphics are derived from our own 3D generic models. They do not infringe on any copyright design.***


Horizontal color image of dental cabinet with equipment.









Save money and Join the Green House Family

Our rent rates are extremely competetive and we offer world class service for your business at our premises 


We offer world class service at the Green House Mall

The green house has over 200 stores including the Naivas hypermarket offering over 75,000 products under one roof. Additionally, there is access to a wide range of retail and specialty stores, cafes, restaurants, an international food court, medical centres, banks, foreign exchange and ATMs. The green house will revolutionize your shopping experience. I’m sure you’ll agree that that’s exactly what The Place to be is!

Money saving

Our Shopping Centre Management is a fully integrated professional service combining both Retail and Property Management services.

Get flexibility

We take an ongoing role in the overall success of the mall by actively developing brand awareness for your businesses and retail clients.
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Our Tenants

We currenlty have over 100 satisfied tenants and businesses that are within the premises
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Available Spaces

We currenly have a wide range of spaces and mall spaces at our mall that are up for grabs
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Team Members

We have a dedicated team that will be at your service for any inquiries and problems the tenants may be having
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    Resonable. Personable. Stylish.

    We take an ongoing role in the overall success of the mall by actively developing brand awareness for our shopping mall and retail clients.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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