About Us

Welcome to the

Green House Mall

The Mall

Located on Ngong Road in the beautiful green suburb of Nairobi, Green House Mall is a premier luxury mall offering unique experiences aimed at engaging three of the five senses: taste, color and sound. It is a shopping mall and also focuses on real estate as a service to the community. .

The Green House Mall is all about the experience – the mall is an environment where you can spend the day for all your needs under one roof. From fashion to entertainment to fine dining. Green house hosts both local and international retailers while supporting small businesses.

The green house has over 200 stores including the Naivas hypermarket offering over 75,000 products under one roof. Additionally, there is access to a wide range of retail and specialty stores, cafes, restaurants, an international food court, medical centres, banks, foreign exchange and ATMs. The green house will revolutionize your shopping experience. I’m sure you’ll agree that that’s exactly what The Place to be is!

Promote your business with us

We rally our tenants to participate in combined promotions and events that bring customers to the mall,

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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